Opatomic is a data structure server like Redis. It is designed to fix most of the limitations of Redis. The main improvements are atomic transactions (where the name Opatomic comes from), the ability to exceed memory, instant startup, less memory usage, types other than just blob strings, and no fork() needed (runs on Windows!!). Opatomic speaks the RESP protocol and supports many Redis commands - so you can connect to it with any Redis client and run most data oriented commands.

More details are available in the README. Check out the "Comparison with Redis" section.

Try the in-browser demo. The demo contains most data oriented commands but is missing many admin/server/utility commands.


  1. Download latest release here
  2. Extract the archive (on linux: tar -xvf archive.tar.xz)
  3. In a terminal, run

    ./opad --allowresp 1 --wsport 8080 --recover

    This will be your server
  4. In another terminal run the client: ./opacli
  5. type a command such as incr key

Get the admin tool working in the browser:

  1. run opad with parameter --wsport 8080
  2. open your web browser to http://localhost:8080

All releases

Submit bug reports

email me at j@opatomic.com

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